Since childhood, I have had "extra-ordinary experiences. While I have had an interest in UFOs sicne the 1970s, it is my numerous conscious experiences of alien abduction and other paranormal phenomena in the 1980s and 1990s, which amplified, nurtured, and propelled my desire in understanding the nature UFOs and related phenomena.

I have built and maintain two Web sites. One is a general Web site, which has philosophical writings on various topics, ADRIANRUDNYK.COM , and this current one, which is solely dedicated to ufology.

My Approach to Philosophy within Ufology

My approach to philosophy is unique in today's time in that it is similar to the ancients. There is no one approach in presenting one's philosophy. That is, some of it is in writing in various forms, but also in various public settings. Socrates, one of the most influential philosophers of all time, never wrote a thing, and presented all of his philosophy through conversations in a public setting. In like manner, while some of my philosophy as mentioned is in writing in various forms, some of it is also presented in various public settings, e.g., interviews, conversations, and social media. As for social media, like my philosophy is not just presented in conversation. It's important to put together all of my posts, and one will see that a philosophy is there. It may not easily apparent, but it's there. It is not the most obvious way of doing philosophy that many of today's philosophers would scoff at this kind of approach, but it is one of the ways I think philosophy can be appropriately done.

Philosophy can be prescriptive, descriptive, or both and also it can just set up a framework in which other appropriate disciplines can continue utilizing the conceptual framework that a philosopher(s) might have set up. Philosophy can be esoteric, but it can also practical and immersive.

I strive in being practical in that the philosophy writings and thoughts that I present should be useful, i.e., be applicable in the real world in some manner. The immersive quality of philosophy within ufology is that unlike today's UFO researcher who primarily sits in front of a keyboard, I am immersive. That is, I am an experiencer, and I actually incorporate investigation within my research. Research into the UFO phenomenon without investigation is an anemic approach, and lacks sustenance. Indeed, false notions inevitably will emerge. For example, the podcaster or blogger will not appreciate the perils that exists in UFO research. I've witnessed this time and time again, especially in internet social media.

I am an experiencer and involved in at least two cases. So doing philosophy within UFO research is not some hypothetical notion, but something that is quite real.

    Cases and Projects I am involved in

    Taras Matla ( my first cousin ), Marian Rudnyk (my brother), and I work as a team. constantly investigating helping each other. Hopefully some of the things we are involved in will come to light, but we are sharing what we can and ask people to please be understanding. While Marian and Taras are new to the field, they have experienced more in the past 2 years than most investigators in 10. Also they stand out from today's new researchers, because unlike many of the new ones who spend their time "researching" and do no actual real world investigation, yet receive lots of attention, I am proud to say that Taras and Marian actually investigate. And they are experiencing the same perils that I have been telling them for years that I have been experiencing. They now know all too well that this field can be quite dangerous.

    While disclosure process is happening, it still a mess and quite dangerous in the real world outside of social media. Here are just two things I can mentioned that I am heavily invovled in as assistant researcher/advisor/consultant:

    Case 1: The Marian Rudnyk Case
    I am heavily involved in my brother's case. It is an extremely serious case, and as real as real can get involving a UFO sighting he had in 2017. I was the original investigator, but my brother took to investigating his own case like duck to water. Currently, my role is as co-investigator and I play a heavy role as advisor and background tasks that are at times perilous for the both of us. It is frightening and ongoing. It is not entertainment. While his sighting brought us closer together as brothers there are many days, I wish he never had the sighting. It made my already complicated UFO life even more complicated.

    Please visit my brother's website for details:Marian Rudnyk former NASA scientist

    Case 2: Budd Hopkins Project
    Taras Matla is researching into Budd Hopkins' life.The fruits of his labor should be apparent by 2023. Taras is heading two other projects in which the details cannot be disclosed for the moment. Of course, I am also heavily involved in these exciting projects as advisor/consultant/co-researcher.

    For more information about Taras you can go to his Twitter account: Taras Matla on Twitter

    (And, yes, Taras too gets surveilled, break-ins, & helicopter harassment like Marian and I.
    It is puzzling, rediculous, and frightening.)